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ANE Coin Shop will be Closed on following days:

Sunday February 9, 2025

Friday to Sunday, February  14-16, 2025

Saturday and Sunday, February 22-23, 2025 for TOREX Coin Show


About Us

Ancient Numismatic Enterprise is a family owned and operated store and online coin business. We consider ourselves to be experts on ancient coins and numismatic literature. Our company runs on three basic principals: honesty, expert knowledge and efficient service which are all aimed at providing our customers with the best experience possible.

We have been present on the Internet since 1998, proudly selling our merchandise to more than 20,000 satisfied customers worldwide. For years, we have sold our products on eBay under the user ID "skovac" and "ANECOINS" and are very proud to say that we have maintained the integrity of our quality service and products since our start to present day. With more than 10,000 customers spanning over 26 years on eBay, there has not been a single instance of negative, or neutral feedback.

After more than a decade of selling exclusively online and at numerous coin shows throughout North America, we decided to open a retail store in May 2010 to better serve our local customers here in the beautiful city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you ever happen to be in Toronto, please come and visit us. You will find thousands of books and coins that are not listed in our regular online inventory.

As ancient coin collectors ourselves for over 30 years, we have assembled one of the most extensive ancient numismatic libraries in Canada. When in doubt about what reference book you need to use to satisfy your collector's needs, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly assist you. We will provide you with quality advice even if we can not supply the desired book. Also, we do serious want lists, so please contact us if you require a specific coin or book.

We have done business with or are personally known to most of the major numismatic book publishers and distributors worldwide and through our company, you can order virtually any numismatic reference currently in print.

We are always looking for quality merchandise, so please consider us when you are looking to sell either a single coin or your entire coin collection. We buy all types of ancient and medieval coins, silver coins, gold coins, Canadian and foreign coins, mint products, military medals, commemorative medals, tokens and all kinds of paper money.

We are actively seeking to purchase numismatic literature in any quantity whether it is a single book or an entire library. Please feel free to contact us first once you have decided to liquidate your numismatic library as we are willing to travel anywhere in North America to purchase it. We also buy modern coins - especially quality Canadian coins and paper money.

All of our coins are guaranteed genuine without exception, and all books are guaranteed as described. All the books we sell are new unless otherwise mentioned.

Thank you for your business and we look forward to servicing your needs. We do free, while-you-wait Coin Appraisals.


We are proud members of CAND - Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers

We Adhere to Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers (CAND) CODE OF ETHICS

As a coin dealer, I recognize my obligations towards the public and towards fellow members in my industry. It is my intention to be worthy of the confidence and respect of those with whom I come into contact in the numismatic trade. For this purpose I have pledged myself as follows:

In my relations with the public I pledge:

To furnish my clientele advice on numismatic matters to the best of my ability.

To sell at prices commensurate with a reasonable return on my investment and the then prevailing market conditions.

To purchase coins from the public at reasonable prices, with due allowance for buyers' risks and prevailing market conditions.

To neither broadcast, publish nor advertise in any matter, a representation or an implication with the intent to lead a false or incorrect conclusion with regard to my own goods, prices or services, or in regard to the goods, services, or prices of a competitor, or lay false claim to a policy.

To assist recognized government authorities in the prosecution of violators of the law in numismatic matters.

To refrain from knowingly dealing in stolen coins, medals or other numismatic material or publication, or offering counterfeits as genuine coins; and when knowingly selling altered coins as such, to furnish the buyer with an invoice showing in detail the nature of such coins sold.

In my relations with fellow-members of the Association I pledge:

To refrain from voluntary public expressions of adverse criticism of other members, or their merchandise.

To recognize and respect my own contracts and undertakings and those of fellow-members.

To exchange credit information freely with fellow members when requested.

To avoid false statements or representation in my relations with my competitors, and co-operate generally towards the betterment of our industry and the hobby in my relations with fellow-members.


We do free, while-you-wait Coin Appraisals. Rated as the best Toronto coin shop.

Proud member of CAND - Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers